What a labour


Glad that is over with had a awful time in labour, had my waters broke in hospital after a failed 3 days of inductions then put onto drip which started my contractions at every 2 mins hitting 100 percent mark and that’s how I stayed for 13 hours just on gas and air and I didn’t dilate from 2 cm for the whole 13 hours, it was then decided for the safety of my baby and myself an emergency c section was going to have to be my only option, this being my 4 th baby and all normal delivery’s for the previous 3 to say it was daunting to say the least but by then I wanted it over with I was exhausted by that time and it was all done in a flash glad I didn’t get time to worry about it tbh took all of 30 mins in theatre and baby Leo was born weighing 8lb 6oz the most beautiful baby boy ever and made me and dad very happy all was well and safe, I am now getting over the pain the weeping scar the huge stomach am used to getting rid of in matter of days in fact I still look 9 months pregnant how anyone can requested a c section if they can have a normal birth is beyond me it’s good job it’s my last as it has put me off for life never again