Marriage issues..

Just to give a little insight on my husband and I- He's studying ethics full time and working, I work full time and we both moved in with his parents maybe 6-7 mo ago. We've been married for a year and a few months. He has adhd and takes meds I'm bipolar which is an inconvenience but we handle it the best we can. We came from two very different childhoods he was very privileged, worships his parents, I house hopped all my life lived in homeless shelters, foster parents etc. we are both very grateful for everything and don't dwell in the past so that's good but I do think it's negatively affecting our marriage now. To speed things up let me say that he might as well be married to his parents.. Every girl used to say "I want a mammas boy, a family man" well it's sweet at first until you realize just how attached he is to his parents and how hard that makes it to be his wife. I love his family but when I feel like my husband is married to his own mom instead and would kiss his dads feet before he even acknowledge me, it makes it very difficult to not say anything. We are Christian and believe once you get married you leave the parents nest well when we moved in with them I had a very bad feeling about it. I can no longer cook for my husband bc his mom does it for him, offers to put only his laundry in with a load of their clothes, cleans our room while I'm working, treats our pets like trash cans and treat me like I'm stupid constantly.. The day I decided to say something to my husband about it was maybe two months ago when he begged that we ride with his parents to hurricane harbor which is fine but he would not leave their side the whole time we were there and when his parents wanted to go do something we didn't want to do he would wait for them (a whole 3 hrs of him sitting around waiting for them or getting up and searching for them) then after we went to grocery store with them and he had to stay by them the whole time even when I tried to go get tampons which was urgent he insisted we stay with his parents. I've gotten to the point of wanting to leave idc where I go but I can't do this much longer. I want to be with my husband so bad but for over half our marriage I have felt like we aren't even married!... He gets offended when I say I want to leave and thinks I am the crazy one. He says he wants out too but when we move we are literally staying a few yards away on a quarter acre of land they gave us to build on which I'm so honored to have but will I have to worry about them knocking on our door every 5 minutes like they do now? It doesn't help that my mil just soaks up all the attention from my husband and I know she likes seeing me discouraged bc every time I attempted to do anything for her son she will be breathing down my neck the whole time correcting me and if I do something any different than her she will make it a point to let everyone in the house know it's not how she would've done it.. I never do anything right and my husband seems brain washed since we moved in with them and denies everything he doesn't believe me over his crazy mom and says he's not attached to them and other times admits it and say well that's my family so get over it.... I'm never hateful toward them I respect them and their house but it's breaking up my marriage... I feel uncomfortablea being a wife to my husband in this house. Sex hasn't been the same for months even kissing him is weird to me now. Again he thinks I'm insane and when I bring it up he refuses to believe it's because of this living situation. I could live in a car with him and be fine, a matter of fact we lived in a ting camper with no water or toilet and when it rained we got soaked in our own bed and I still loved being there with him. Someone help me feel better!