Chelsea • Mother of 3 👦🏻🧒🏼👧🏼 ✌🏻 boys & ☝🏻 girl Baby girl 👶🏼 being number 4️⃣ 09/24❤️

31 weeks pregnant with an ear infection & a gum infection. Doctors appointment Wednesday to Check on baby girl & a dentist appointment Thursday to get my wisdom tooth extracted. (Taking antibiotics every 6 hours along with Tylenol & increased water intake until Thursday) (told by doctor to) I’m in so much pain but baby girl is such a trooper, just a kicking & making mommy smile through it💕

Any advice or suggestions on how to go about this. Has anyone else been through this? I’ve never had a tooth pulled. I’m a little scared since I’ll have no anesthesia 😩 I have a high tolerance for pain, but my god my tooth has me in bed on many occasions throughout the day 😣