Braxton Hicks worse after eating?

Angela • Baby Boy Born July 20th 2016💙 Baby Girl Born August 24th 2018 🎀 Baby Girl #2 Born January 2022 🎀 🌈 Baby Boy #2 born May 17th 2024 💙

I have had horrible BH contractions with this pregnancy that started before 20 weeks. Some days they are just constant and I feel like my stomach never softens. Anyways today I was finally REALLY hungry, hungrier then I’ve been in months and even started shaking because I needed food, so I ate way to much and afterwards have had constant BH contractions, worse than they’ve been. I’m wondering if it’s because I over stuffed myself since it happened after I ate, has anyone else had this issue? It’s been constantly right for the last 2 1/2 hours since eating.

Also I have been drinking water and had cold water while I ate so I’m not dehydrated.