My first ❤️❤️

Shannon • Had my 1st positive test after 8 years. Sadly ended not even a week later! Almost 2 years later received another positive that unfortunately ended in a angel baby also! Now TTC our rainbow 😊

I got my FIRST ever positive pregnancy test on July, 27, 2018!!! After 8 years I finally got to experience that feeling I longed for, for soooo long! I take one each day because I have not got my blood test back yet. I have taken about 8 test so far!

Please pray for a happy and healthy 9 months. Estimated due date is April 4, 2019!

Ladies who are continuing to try, keep trying. I know the struggle!!

Update: Y’all have been amazing! I am currently sitting in the hospital as I have started to bleed! Please say prayers that I have tough sticky one!!

Update 2: My HCG numbers have dropped quite a bit. I go back for more blood testing on Friday! I pray my numbers have gone back up by then. I have read that this has happened to people and it was because they were expecting twins but one of the twins do not make it early on. So I am putting this in Gods hands and just staying optimistic and hopeful!

Update: Went back to get another blood test and unfortunately my HCG has now dropped to 7. So I am having a miscarriage. My body is doing it all on its own and as soon I stop bleeding I will try again!! I have an obgyn appt. Tuesday to see if my numbers get down to 0. I am hurt and upset but God has shown me it is possible to get pregnant and I will give it another try as soon as I’m in the clear! Y’all have been an amazing support team! It is a really great feeling to have all of you! ❤️

Update: My miscarriage ended about a week ago! We are currently trying again! Wish us luck and many positive prayers for a happy healthy sticky bean soon! Y’all are amazing!! ❤️❤️