SA results- do we have a shot?


So my partner had his SA and our doctor basically phoned and said, I’m referring you to the fertility clinic to start getting the ball rolling for ICSI. It was a massive shock, basically being told because of his morphology that we would have to get <a href="">IVF</a>, but also she said “you could still conceive”.

We’re both so so confused. Does anyone know of people who’ve conceived with similar results? Are they really that bad?

We are from N. Ireland so we get one free go of ICSI or <a href="">IVF</a> on the NHS, after that we have to pay, although we will be looking at a 2 year wait. Any stories of hope or help would be great❤️

3mls volume

8.1 PH

16.3 concentration

48.9 million sperm count

1% of normal forms/morphology (the only abnormal result)