I don't know what to feel....

I know that this is all just a crazy hypothetical, but morals matter to me. And I just don't know how to feel. Husband and I were watching the show Medium, one of my favorite shows. Well in the show the main character Allison has a dream that there's a woman who is attending some sort of money making seminar. It starts out innocently, she answers two simple questions from the seminar host and then gets a few hundred dollars. The seminar host pushes the limit and asks her something embarrassing. He said if you take off your clothes in front of everyone right now I'll double your salary. She says no. He says fine, I'll triple it. He still says no. You can visibly see the woman's husband getting agitated with her. He tries to quietly convince her to do it. She still says no. The seminar host asks her husband if he would strip his wife of her clothes in front of everyone, for two million dollars. You can see him contemplating it and the wife starts crying and says she wants to go home. The husband grabs his wife and holds her down, saying "I have 100 dollars for anyone to help me take her clothes off of her!" suddenly the crowd pounces on her and rips all of her clothes off. The dream ends and the character wakes up. I state verbally how horrible of a husband he is and how absolutely awful that must have been. My husband looked at me dead in the eyes and said "I would have done the same thing he did."

Like I said. These are hypotheticals. But just even the thought that my husband would have such little respect, such carelessness for my regard just to win some money is absolutely devastating to me. He claims I am crazy and that I have no right to be mad that he would do that, so I don't know how to feel. I've always valued morals in a person whether the situations they faced were purely thought or real action. I feel like the man I married I don't know anymore.