Pregnitude and very vivid dreams


Ladies and gentlemen, I am going to keep this short and sweet. I have been taking pregnitude since CD1 (July 4th). I have PCOS. Great news! I ovulated on CD 18. Bad news? I am having very vivid dreams/nightmares. As a matter of fact, I just woke up from one with my heart racing and heavy sweating. It involved an explosion on a bridge in the middle of a really bad storm and the bridge started falling apart and we were stuck on the bridge. I got out of the car and started yelling at the cars behind me to back up!!!!!! It felt so real. Has anyone else experienced vivid dreams while taking any type of supplement? I'm thinking it has to do with my hormones balancing themselves out. Now that I have ovulated, I am sure I should see my androgen levels reduce themselves.

Thanks for reading.