Breast feeding, is this good?

I’ve been breastfeeding and honestly it’s been a struggle finding the right hold and how to get him to latch. He has a favorite nipple and because of it this nipple hurts like no other. Even the nurses said he’s got a “strong suck”. It’s been hurting so bad I’ve considered switching to formula.

Well while I was feeding my other breast started leaking, so I decided to pump. I got 1 ounce from that breast and when he was done feeding got another ounce from the other breast.

He drank it all from the bottle without a problem and honestly it made me so relieved to see him eating my breast milk without the pain of having him latched.

My question is if I continue to produce this much is that good or is it too little of a amount to depend on solely the pump? What is the average most women pump the first time?

I don’t wanna formula feed but my nipples are SO SORE so I hope this can be a win win.