Normal period ??

Hey everyone I came back from vacation and got my period 4 days early this is what my period looked like , on the liner it was the first day the pad few days later ( ran out of pads ) is it a normal

Period ? I just felt kind nauseous now but I also am a bit sick from my vacation( dealing with upset stomach from tropical food ahaha )

So in general I can't be pregnant with a period like this right ?? Last time

I had unprotected sex was June 20 and today is July 29 and I got my period July 24 and it looked like that and was heavy first day and kinda second but then got really light ( pic in the pad) then when I thought it was over ( June 28) I had some dark left over period blood.

I will be going on bc soon

Just in general , I cannot be pregnant righ ?


You ❤️