does it sound like I found my soulmate?

my boyfriend and I will be coming up on our fourth year together soon, we've been together since we were 15 and we're 19 now. we met by complete chance and I can't even explain how much I love him, I feel like we go so perfectly together and balance eachother out, after four years I still get the same butterflies that I did with him the first day we met. our relationship has changed along with us over the years, but for the better and it just feels like we grow together. we're so similar yet different in some ways. he's generous and always tipping people way extra, donating money, etc and I admire him so much. he is one of the most selfless people I have ever met, he's so easygoing (to balance me out haha) and will do almost anything I ever ask of him. he's accepting of every single bit of me, flaws and all. it kind of just feels like we'll never break up and I hope we don't. recently he's "joked" (he doesn't say he's kidding but he'll smile a bit etc) around calling me his wife, referring to his parents as my in-laws (I don't even know if he realized he called them that). with how things look right now I would honestly be so beyond happy to spend the rest of my life with him, things are just so much brighter with him around and I never feel like I have to worry when I'm with him. im not sure if I believe in soulmates but does it sound like I maybe found my forever person? :)