Painful Gassy Poops


My 5w-old is normally a very content, chill baby, however this evening he is beside himself. He will be chilling and then like a switch he’ll start wailing and thrashing, then after a bit he’ll fart and sometimes poop. Once he’s done he’s totally chill again.

Will gripe water and/or gas drops help this? Everything I’ve read says they only help stomach gas, not intestinal gas.

Also, he had a complete tongue and lip tie that we had fixed on Thursday. He’s been spitting up a lot more since then. Could this be the cause? He is formula and breast fed, but there have been no diet changes since birth for him or me.


My doctor confirmed this is probably because of the tongue tie. Gas drops didn’t help, but gripe water worked amazingly well! Also, we had been using Dr Browns Options bottles without the vent. When he started to get gassy we added the vent and it got way worse. We took the vent back out and he’s loads better. Still gassy, but not constant!