My daughters father

One of the hardest things I’ve gone though was being on and off my with daughters father for 3 years. He’s an alcoholic and has been in and out of aa for our whole relationship. He was very verbally and mentally abusive but like a dummy I took him back time after time. He is a master manipulator, He knows how to turn everything around to be my fault.I had my daughter with him last year and when I was pregnant with her he was never around. He was sober the first 7 months of my pregnancy and it was okay but like I said he was never around, all I wanted was his time and to take cute pictures together but apparently that was to much to ask. When he started drinking again he wouldn’t come home at all and when he did it was late at night drunk he would call me psycho pregnant crazy lady and a cunt, you name a word and that’s what I was called. Recently we tried to work things out ( I know will be judge but that’s okay) I honestly though he was changing and that he realized that our daughter was growing up and wants to actually step up and be a good father and a family man, well i was wrong. We were together for about two months then he started drinking again and I though to myself I can’t put myself though this again, so I made him leave and he was angry. We have been trying to get along and co parent for my daughter but it’s hard he is so unreliable he doesn’t always get her when he’s supposed to or he’s late it’s like he doesn’t even care. I recently found out that I’m pregnant again with his child, and I don’t know how to feel about that, he knows and didn’t seem unhappy about it. I thought I was only about 7 or 8 weeks but turns out I was 13 weeks I must of gotten pregnant the first time we had sex. It’s really hard for me thinking I have to go though another pregnancy alone, I have a wonderfully support system don’t get me Wong! But it’s different not having you’re partner. I feel so lonely. I am getting a little more excited as each weeks passes but it’s still hard. Does anyone have any advice? Please don’t be to harsh because the situation is tough enough on me