I feel like I'm alone

I've been married for about 6 years. Our sex life was great for the first three. After that it just kind of tanked. I don't know why. It's not that I'm not attracted to my husband - I am. I just...don't want it. Any time we try to get into it I don't feel anything. No desire to get anything started, no desire to touch him or be touched. I've had sex to placate him and I don't feel anything at all. It's just like I'm going through the motions. I don't get wet or have any reaction to what's happening to me. I feel like I'm failing my husband and he's most certainly not happy with me, he's verbalized such opinions. Accused me of cheating, told me how deeply this hurts his feelings, gotten extremely frustrated that I continue to say no months into our sexual dry spell, he's pleaded with me and begged and asked me why a million times. It breaks my heart to tell him I don't know why. It's not just with us, either. I haven't masturbated in forever. I haven't had the desire to touch myself or even look at myself naked. When I go to get naked I feel extreme embarrassment and shame, as if I've committed a nasty crime. I wish I could fix whatever was wrong with me, I've asked my OBGYN why this is happening. She's told me she has no idea and there's nothing she can do to help me. I feel so guilty about not wanting sex from my husband that I've seriously contemplated suicide. I've also contemplated letting him cheat on me just so he could finally be happy. I give him blowjobs when I can but it still isn't enough. Please, just someone out there, tell me I'm not alone....

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