ECV vs C-section


So I’m 36+1 now which means my chances of baby girl flipping on her own are at less than 2%. I’m disappointed and a little nervous. I’ve done EVERYTHING I can think of. Spinning babies, chiropractor, handstands in the pool, ice packs on her head. On Wednesday I need to tell my OB if I want a ECV or just schedule a C-section. I was leaning towards a ECV but my family history is not good when it comes to vaginal births and my chiropractor told me recently (as did a physical therapist a few years ago) that my right hip rotates forward slightly which could be why baby girl doesn’t want to put her head down. The birth canal could be too small. So if I go through with a ECV my hips may not allow the baby to get through anyway. So part of me wonders if it’s worth putting myself and my baby through the ECV. Anyone with any experience? I’m a FTM and very nervous!

Update: I went to my OB today and decided to schedule a C-section. ECV felt like an unnecessary risk given the fact that I probably wouldn’t be able to deliver vaginally even if the ECV was successful. So it looks like my baby will be here on August 20!