Any Advice ??

Bryanna • First Time Mommy to My Baby Boy

So Straight to the point, me and my boyfriend are always arguing about little stuff like last week he blew up on me because I told him he could go home because I was locked out of my house and I Didn’t Want Him Waiting on me Because Ain’t No Telling when I was Gonna Get In The House and He Really Just Blew Up Saying I Hate When You Do This if I Would’ve came if I didn’t want to see You Blah Blah Blah, and Then two days ago I told him that I was Coming Over and He Said He Had Something to Do That I Could Come Later. And I Said “No Nvm” He Blew Up Again Saying I do to Much I’m Always Saying Dumb Shit and It Pissed Me off to the Point Where I Said He was Bitching and Stuff Like That. And When We Go to Talk Stuff Out He Never Really Says What’s on his Mind or How We Can Fix The Problem or When I Tell Him How I Think We Can Fix the Problem he Thinks that’s Extra of Me. Like Yea We Love Each Other and we’ve only been dating for 2 months But I’m Getting Sick of Arguing Over Stupid Little Stuff. Can We Really Work Through It or Should We Break It Off ?