My ex is haunting me .... advice?

So when I was 16 I got my first boyfriend we dated a solid 3 years and then off and on for another.... I’m now with a new guy and my ex is with a new girl and both of us have been with other people for over a year now. I’m not going to lie my relationship has been really rough at times we live together. He has done shitty stuff to me he has admitted it and apologized. We still struggle with small things like him not wanting me to see my family or thinking they are too involved. I feel like sometimes he can be really self centered and when my world doesn’t revolve around him I have hell to pay....

With all that being said though. Day to day we get along ok. He is someone I could spend my life with .... here is the problem

I miss my ex.

He was kind and giving he never pressured me into sex we never did anything I didn’t want to do. He was always respectful of me and my family. He would go out of his way to do things he knew I loved and in the end we broke up because he wanted to party and drink and be a kid honestly and I was ready to be an adult. So we split so he could do his thing and I could do mine.

Is it normal that I think about him so much? Is there something wrong with me? I’m i just a shitty person? Like I don’t know. I’m happy for the most part and my boyfriend can be really great to me. What can I do to get this off my kind?