Fighting for kids back from ex

Anyone else not have their kids right now ? Fighting for kids back from crazy ex kids court let him take them he lies and they believe him cuz he’s got more money. I’m currently working hard to pay attorney to get them back safe as I’ve raised them alone for the most part all their lives.

How do u cope as I need my family and my kids are my family as a single mom it’s hurting me so bad inside.. 😢☹️😠

I just can’t wait to see them, talk to them, Miss their touch lil cuddles and get them back.

Any support or advice or inspiration or if u been thru this or are now, I really appreciate it!❤️


The court didn’t just sweep up the kids like some posters are saying.

It’s hard to explain all the details but my ex is narcissistic and used the fact of my struggling against me and I had a bad state attorney plus he turned a lot of people on his side even social workers of kids and rigged it. A lot of people have said what happened in my case shouldn’t have but did.

So now my man is helping me and I’m working extra to pay a really good attorney and he knows I will get them back soon it’s a process and I do get visitation but the paperwork has not gotten to me yet and the kids are 5 states away and other one state away.

Thank you for your support and for the haters what if this happened to you? Please me kind it’s the hardest thing I am going thru.