36 week appointment


Skylar is weighing 8lbs 1oz, his head is measuring 40w and his body is measuring 39w5d. The ultrasound tech said the ultrasound and my BPP for the last 2 visits were reading my due dates on August 2nd or 3rd. Since I only got diagnosed with GD at 34 weeks my doctor said if I can keep my numbers as good as they’ve been the last couple of days he won’t put me on insulin.

He had a friend of mine doing her clinicals do my group B strep test so that was definitely interesting lol. He said he’s not going to check my cervix yet because he doesn’t want to start my labor process just in case 😩😭

I will now see him twice a week with an NST once a week. I’m just hoping and praying by Friday at my appointment he’ll either talk induction or I’ll be about to go into labor myself. I’m going to be getting a birthing ball and evening primrose oil to see if that will start the process. We both fully agree I don’t need to be having a 10lb baby!