

So, my nephew had his first birthday, he’s not much older then my son as my son is 9 months. My baby’s father was there, and so was his brother and mother. I told my sons father that I didn’t want him to have cake. I wanted to save it for his first birthday. And he agreed. This isn’t the first time we’ve had this conversation. Well, my sons father was holding him and I look over and see icing in my sons mouth from his grandmother. I said something to him about it, and to tell his mother not to do it again. The next thing I know I see my sons grandmother trying to feed my son cake and hiding behind other people so I couldn’t see! I got so angry that I snatched him out of her arms, grabbed my things and I left. What made me even more angry was as I was grabbing my stuff, I hear my nephews grandmother say something to my sons grandmother about getting caught trying to give him cake and she was like “yeah I tried to hide behind so and so and give it to him off the table so she wouldn’t see” 😡 when I left, I texted my sons father about how I was upset he didn’t defend me or say anything to his mother, and how I was angry she took another first from me (whole other story) knowing I wanted to save it for his first birthday. I then proceeded to text his mother saying I would appreciate if from now on she respected when I said no to something. As this happened before involving kissing my son as a newborn when I asked her not to repeatedly. Did I overreact? I just feel as though I’m being undermined as a mother, and blatantly disrespected. It’s always something, I’m always a not good enough mom to my sons dads family. “He’s to small, give him formula. He’s not wearing the right diapers. He should be doing this by now. He cries to much. Give him this, give him that. He’s too clingy. So and so was doing this by that age” and I just cant handle them not listening to me with the one simple request of no cake! I feel I need to also add, it was my sons GRANDMOTHER who gave him cake, not my sons father. Everyone seems to be missing that part saying “the father gets a say”