I don’t know how to date anymore...

Kate • Mirena user 🇨🇦

I’ve been in a Long-term relationship for 8 years. We recently decided to take a break, and I’m going to try to date again. The problem is... I’ve forgotten how to flirt and woo. Every time I start talking to someone (online so far), they get bored because I always try to get to know about their interests and life first (at least I think that’s why).

What kind of things should I do or say when first getting to know a prospective partner to get them interested, but not make it only about sex? I want a partner to be interested in me as a person, not a sex object... or is it better to start with heavy sexualization and work in the “getting to know you” in between?

I’m looking for SPECIFIC advice about how to start that first conversation.