
Amber • Mommy of 3 & 1 Angel baby NOW pregnant with our rainbow baby making my husbands dream come true by having one last blessing

It’s true it’s true!!!! My story 😊 I always wanted three kids & God blessed me with them After my third baby I wanted to get my tubes tied and my doctor refused so Ingot a new doctor and she too refused so I settled for birth control blah 🤦🏻‍♀️ so I am now married to a wonderful man who takes care of my kids as their own my two youngest don’t know anybody else beside him as their father. My husband don’t have any kids of his own and he wanted one so I agreed just wasn’t ready at the time when we talked about it. So decided we would get off of BC and right after I got pregnant (I didn’t think it would happen so quick) I did have a miscarriage January 2018

It hurt me bad so we decided to be safe. Well I went home in June for a month and came back July and decided we are going to try & NOW WE ARE PREGNANT!!!! (I posted like 3 days ago with faint lines and tested everyday for the last three days the lines with faint so I wasn’t convinced but now overly excited) Just praying my baby sticks this time I have such a good feeling about this one I even have a feeling it may be twins 😬