My Boyfriend Basically Got Cold Feet...

My boyfriend and I have been together for 9 months now and since before we started dating I always knew he was the one and I still believe he’s the one. He’s honestly the rare, perfectly imperfect guy that most dream to find. Not saying he’s exactly what everyone wants, but what we have is what everyone yearns for. I’m seriously lucky people.

We both decided to finally start college this fall semester. I’ve had parent problems my whole life. And a lot of my parents life choices affected me in a horrible way. At the moment, I can’t get financial aid in time for this semester anymore. (I’ve been trying all year btw.) and I probably won’t be able to get everything I need to get approved for independency before the next fall semester starts... next year. So my bf decided to sit me down to “talk” about it. I could easily do financial aid without all of my issues going on if we do what my bf was proposing. In other words, he semi-proposed to me. ASKED FOR MY HAND IN MARRIAGE YOU GUYSSSSSSSSS!! And I said YES of course!! And I didn’t yes becuz I could start school with him, although that’s what I really want. I mostly said yes becuz I’m deeply in love with this man. I’d be more than happy to have a future with him. So we set a date and everything. It’d be really small with a select few people just to get it on paper. And then at a later date, we’d plan an official wedding ceremony. The day of the date we picked... he backed out. I cried a bit and sort of showed how hurt I was but it didn’t move him to change his mind and still go thru with it. And since then I just sort of made myself forgive him for it and oh it aside. We recently talked about it and he says he’s just scared and it’s a huge step to take. He loves me and wants to marry me. He just isn’t ready now.. What does everyone have to say about it? Sometimes I’m not sure if I’m doing things right. Ik we haven’t been together long enough but you can’t always put a time span on things.