Im beyond done. When will it get better???


My husband and I separated in early February this year... well really he left, but I realize that our relationship wasn't working at all & wasn't going to work. Anyway, he decided to file for divorce like 2 weeks after we started our 'break'. It took me by surprise, but I was honestly relieved. I didn't want to be with him anymore, but we have a 1.5 y/o and I was 5 months pregnant (baby girl is 3 weeks old now 😍😍). I don't think I would have left, but it was for the best in many ways. We have hired lawyers and gone to court, etc... Still waiting to finalize the divorce after a pretty nasty and very stressful breakup/battle.

So my question is this- I'm so angry and resentful towards him & he is towards me as well, but when will it get better? When will we finally have a chill co-parent relationship for our babies? Is that even possible or am I delusional? I'm so done with the fighting and stress and arguing and just feeling shitty.

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