Chandler David


A little late to posting but here is my story.

I’m going to get started about a week before having my baby. Memorial Day I was at my grandparents for a BBQ. I went pee then went out and a few minutes later I felt a gush. Wasn’t sure what it was so i waited and called my doctor about an hour later. She said to go in. As it turns out it was nothing but oh well. While there my blood pressure was still pretty high so they checked my urine for protein. For the first time I had protein in my pee. Went home with instructions to do the 24 hour collection and would discuss the results Wednesday morning at my OB appointment. Went to the doctor while officially diagnosed me with preeclampsia. I was put on bed rest until the next Monday because I was only 36w 5d. My doctor said I was likely to be induced next Monday/Tuesday to be on the safe side. I get out and call my husband hysterically crying. We weren’t ready yet. We were supposed to have another 3.5 weeks. Oh well! The rest of the week was painfully boring. Went in Monday and the doctor planned to induce me the next day.

Now to the actual birth..

I am a FTM so I had no clue what to expect. My husband and I get to the hospital at 7:30a. Get all settled into the room quickly and was hooked up to pitocin and magnesium by 8:30 and the doctor broke my water. I was dilated to a 2. That was a weird sensation. Shortly after the magnesium starts I feel like there is fire in my veins. I am sweating and uncomfortable yet freezing at the same time. A couple hours later the doctor comes to check on me and I’m at a 4. I requested come pain medicine at this point. Just some light pain medicine. Can’t remember the name right now. My husband and I are watching friends and I’m exhausted. So about an hour later I request the epidural. That was heaven. I get checked at a 6 now at 11:30. I got the epidural in hopes of taking a nap. The magnesium was kicking my butt. I was exhausted and could barely open my eyes. At 12:15 I complain for butt pressure and the nurse says “you probably aren’t that far yet so don’t get your hopes up. First time moms take a while.” Low and behold I was at 9.5. About 10 minutes pass the and pressure is getting much, much worse. I get checked and I was at a 10! We start pushing. Unfortunately I pushed the whole two hours with very little progression. I was so exhausted I would push then just close my eyes until I was told to push again. The magnesium is no joke. I felt awful. After the two hours are up the doctor comes in and gives me two options; 1 I can keep pushing for 10 more minutes or 2 we can use the forceps right now. I go with 1. After the 10 minutes we get ready for the forceps. The Anesthesiologist comes into up my epidural per my request. We are ready to go! The doctor places the forceps. I feel it but it wasn’t awful. Then I look at my husband who is bawling (I thought due to the excitement of becoming a dad soon but the amount of blood made him sure that either me, baby or both of us were going to die). Two very painful pushes and my son was here! I tore all the way and I bruised my tailbone but it was worth it!

Chandler David June 5th

6 pounds 11 ounces 20.5 inches long! We

Here’s a picture now! He’s doing great and very healthy!