Confused and need help

I had sex basically for the first time around 11 days ago and not too long ago i experienced spotting mixed with maybe brownish gel-like stuff. And after seeing that i was looking up a lot of stuff about it trying to look for answers and i just figured out that maybe that was just that my hymen had broken. But i also was afraid that i was pregnant even though i used a condom my boyfriend did put it in before putting a condom on for like 2 seconds so i was thinking maybe pre-cum could’ve gotten me pregnant. But i haven’t been experiencing any symptoms or anything, I’m 16 and i cannot just go buy a pregnancy test because my mom is VERY strict and does not know anything about this but i have spoken about it with my grandma and she says that she doesn’t think I’m pregnant but i still worry. Shes making me an appointment and i plan on telling the doctor everything but i just want to know if someone could enlighten me on how my body’s supposed to be reacting to my hymen being broken or maybe even being pregnant. Ik everything isn’t the same for everyone though. My period is also supposed to be coming on in a few days but i also know that i could get my period and still be pregnant so, hopefully my doctor could give me more answers. But this is just a huge secret I’ve been keeping to myself and have really no one to talk about it with and give me some insight on what might be going on. I also am usually very wet ( have a lot of discharge) but now its like basically dry which is the main thing scaring me because even though it was annoying at some points i do miss having that and it feels weird now that its gone and its driving me crazy. I dont know if this has happened to me before but i just know that im used to seeing a lot. Please help 😣