Social media...

Do you think posting about your SO on social media is important??

I agree with what you guys are saying, let me give a little back story

So my bf and I friends on fb we’ve been together a year and I was like hey can we just put on fb in a relationship he says sure no problem. He does but he puts it on where only him and I can see it. So then I get a little curious so I ask why it’s on private like that? He says oh idk how tobwork fb and I was like well is there a reason you don’t want anyone else to see? He says no so he changes it and it’s custom so I call him out and he’s like I block posts from my relatives...I’m friends with a lot of his relatives. He so he changes it to public, gets mad and says I made him jump through hoops....uh don’t be shady.

That’s why I am bringing this here lol I am trying to think rationally and I know it’s stupid but my anxiety has been up and I’ve been feeling sad. I just started medication about a month and a half ago. But it’s causing me to cling and find the need for validation. So I’m just trying to see other point of views

Yes! See that’s why I made it a big deal bc it seemed sketchy! How do you not know how to make things public when A) it’s right next to where you change it B) things have to switched to private