
i think i’m ready to be in a serious relationship... i’m about to enter my second year of college... last year i had many one night stands and, to be honest, i don’t regret them because for two reasons.. i feel like sexuality is a part of who i am, and also because they are experiences that i had and helped me to realize what i truly want. however i do repent from my sin, and as i grew closer to God He began to call upon me to hold sex in a higher regard! so i made a promise to not have casual sex for the rest of the semester, or the summer, and to revisit in the fall. i know people say premarital sex is wrong but i just have not felt that conviction yet. i’m not trying to justify it, i am jjst being honest with my experience as of right now. as of right now i have the conviction to only have sex with someone if it is first out of love and not lust. however even before abstaining from sex i feel like God was beginning to put it in my heart to have the mindset of looking for a guy to date, not just to hook up with! lol He knew that if i kept going in my ways i probably wouldn’t even be thinking about marriage until i’m 40... ANYWAY MAIN POINT IS lol obviously i’m in college and it’s a difficult environment to have this kind of conviction in, what is your advice for abstaining from sex until i find the right guy, as well as how i should prepare myself spiritually in the meantime to find the right guy? i keep asking God to send me a man after His own heart. i know nothing is too difficult for him to accomplish. but im so scared i won’t find a guy at my college that loves Jesus as much as i do! this is more of just a rant tbh lmaooo. do u believe that u can bring significant others to God’s love?