Am I wrong ?

Okay hear me out and tell me if I’m in the wrong or not. I really need people to tell me bc at this point my judgement is clouded and I can’t tell.

So I was single for like three years before I started dating my boyfriend, and now we’ve been together for about 5 months, yet there’s things that single me has become so used to that I don’t see anything wrong with them.

Like, am I being insensitive or rash or impatient for doing things for me without telling him first ? Like if I go see a movie with a friend that I mentioned once to him in the past, and he never showed interest in going to see, am I in the wrong ? Should I have made an effort to go see it with him over a friend ?

Is it a fault of mine that I’m inpatient for things to happen, and when I don’t see interest or effort, I dive straight into what I want without waiting for my boyfriend, and without even asking him in the first place.

I don’t know, I feel bad that he’s upset but I didn’t think this would set him off. Hindsight is 20/20 so I see now that I should have mentioned that I was going to see the movie before actually going, but then I think to myself, is telling my bf where I’m going and what I’m doing every time I do something, something I SHOULD do ? I’m not sure.

I want to chalk this up to me being inexperienced in taking more than just my own wants into account to make myself look and feel better, but I also don’t want to be wrong and be blinded by my pride.

I’ve come to realize that my bf is more sensitive and maybe a bit more insecure than I am, but there’s certain things I do that don’t occur to me that would make him feel bad or distrust me. It’s never my intention but lately I find myself stepping on his toes for things that I personally don’t find to me an offense.

Bottom line is; in this scenario, I don’t think I’m in the wrong, but he does, so who’s right ? I’ve apologized but I don’t think I should have ? I mean I didn’t know, he didn’t tell me nor did he show me at all, so how was I supposed to know about something I brought up in the first place ?

I just don’t know if it’s me or him but I HATE fighting, it drains the life out of me and I also don’t know how to be more insightful to these kinds of situations,

Thoughts ?