Blowing up ober little things?


So I have been with my partner for many years on and off. However we have had probably more than our fair share of ups rather than downs. One of the biggest issues is his temper over , what I would consider small things.

yesterday evening we had planned a picnic dinner on the beach to watch the sunset, I had cycled ahead to go the shop to pick up the food & a bottle of wine.

I messaged him and asked him to bring some opener when he arrived later with our dog. 5 minutes later I get a string of angry texts / calls saying he can't find the wine opener ( He had invited neighbours over the night before for a drink and the wine opener didn't get put away properly) I gave him a list of places it might be and asked him to look. He said it wasn't there and was obviously angry. I told him to forget about it.

He showed up at the beach ready to have a public shouting match, telling me that I do nothing in the house, that I'm extremely messy and I dont look after the dog.

I left in tears and he stayed at the beach. aftee going home and tidying and finding the wine opener, he still wasn't home.

I rang him as I worried for the dog as they would be cycling back in the dark.He was on the beach drinking with a mutual female friend.

I'm so tired of it being the little things that cause so much hurt.

what do you guys think.?