My August baby may end up being a July baby!!!

Jennifer • - 💍, 👰🏼🤵🏼, 🤰🏼, 👶🏼, 🤰🏼, 👶🏼,🤰🏼Due AGAIN 06/15/2022

Baby girl is due August 11, last appointment on Thursday I was 80% effaced and 3cm dilated. Been in labor for about 8 hours now, (Since Monday night) pitocin will be coming soon, since I haven’t gotten to far in in the time I’ve been at the hospital, ohh lord help me!!!!! Looks like I’ll be in labor for a while

Update**** 730Am

Dr just broke my water to see if we can get the contractions going again without having to use pitocin...........I’ll let you girls know how that goes!