I celebrated making it to 37 weeks by having a baby!


Another August baby turned July baby 💕

Emiliana Grace (Mia for short) was born at 4:52pm on July 30th. She weighed 6lbs 6oz. 18 inches long with a head full of sandy brown hair.

I was admitted to the hospital at 3:30pm. I was 4cm dilated and 100% effaced. 30 minutes later I was already 8cm. She came an hour and 22 minutes later! She was out in just 2 contractions. 5 pushes. The first 2 being "practice pushes" 😂

I did end up getting an epidural. For literally no reason 😂😂 by the time they came in with the epidural and got it in, my contractions were less than 30 seconds apart. Before I got any pain relief I was checked...totally complete. Time to push! It was nice to have pain relief after the actual birth though! It only numbed my left side. So I could walk, just really wobbly for about 6 hours. Of course, my husband got a kick out of it.

Within 20 minutes of being out she started looking for my boob. I got it to her and she latched the first try! She latches soooo easy but won't stay latched for long. She doesn't like to actually work for her food 😂