Update on professor from hell


For anyone who has read my last few posts about the professor from hell, I finally have an update and good news.

We all went and spoke with the assistant dean on friday and showed him the video we got of this professor going after our friend for not being able to hear well and for asking questions during the lecture. For those that haven’t read my last few posts my friend Max has been getting harassed by this professor for the entire summer semester for his hearing loss and speech impediment.

They can’t actually use the videos we got, but it was enough to get their attention. The professor has been suspended and there is an investigation going on right now and several other people in the class have been questioned about what’s been going on.

Not sure what will come of it, but at the very least Max doesn’t have to deal with any of this crap for the rest of the class and someone finally did listen and do something about it.

This first year of university feels like a roller coaster, but I wanted to thank everyone here on <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> for all the wonderful advice and support. I showed everybody’s comments to Max and it made his day that total strangers cared enough to try and help us out with this nightmare of a professor.

Big thanks from both of us! You guys are all amazing ❤️