Baby Delivery Story

Baby Delivery Story!

6pm July 29th my husband and I headed to the hospital to begin the inductipn process. My cervix was ready but i was only dilated to a 1, so I began pitocin. That night i had some moderate cramping, but nothing too crazy. At 7am my Nurse Practioner woke me up to break my water, and I had only dilated to a 2 by then. After she broke my water, the crazy contractions came. I bouced on the ball as long as I could, and I had a plan not to get an epidural until I was like a 7, but I couldnt take it anymore and called for one. I was only a 4. The epi did not hurt, but I threw up anyway because of the fear of it. Im 5'9, so I needed more epidural juice than the average height girl. I was freaking out because it did not work for the first 20+ minutes, the contractions were only getting worse, and the anesthesiologist was saying if it didn't work soon she would have to stick me again 💩 but luckily it didnt come to that! The tingling started in my toes and eventually worked its way up- nothing anyone says can relay how weird it is to touch your own legs because they are like touching someone elses legs! Anyway, I slept for a little bit and at 5pm my NP came up and said I was at 10cm, time to push! After pushing through 4 contractions, my beautiful baby girl was born at 5:14 pm. It happened so fast, and im blessed to have had such an easy delivery! However, I did rip everything and a surgeon had to be called in to repair my 4th degree tear and basically sew me a butthole 😬 Baby is healthy and gorgeous, and if youre a future ftm reading this, it truly is worth all the pain! And if you plan on getting an Epidural- mine was amazing! If you dont plan on getting an epidural- I have the utmost RESPECT for that you because when I thought mine wasnt going to take I really thought "okay so this is how I die" because that pain was ridiculous! Good luck!