room sharing 😱


Attn! anyone with kids close in age that share/shared a room - my littles will be 2.5 years apart when baby girl arrives and will be room sharing atleast for a little while... I'm worried about Dalton throwing toys/blankets/etc in her crib. I have a video/audio monitor which will help greatly but I'm worried mainly about night when I'm sleeping if he happens to wake up and decides not to come wake me up right away or in the morning. He's very quiet now getting out of bed and usually comes straight to my room to see if I'm up or to wake me but not always. Just looking to see other parents experiences with this and possible advice for what worked for them. Even thought about putting crib in my room for the first few months or until we found a larger place but their dad wakes to alarm at 4am for work and I worry that will scare/wake her. Any advice is much appreciated!