Room mate is kinda gross

I’m secretly grossed out by my room mate.

I’ve known her for years and we always got along, but until we moved in with each other 2 months ago I did not know about some of her habits.

Strange habit # 1

She has her own coffee pot that I am not allowed to use. I have one of those little mini kcup brewers so I didn’t think anything about it at first. But then I started noticing that she only brewed one giant pot of coffee a week. She would then leave the leftover cold coffee in the pot for days on end, just grabbing a cup from every now and then and microwaving it. I once tracked how long she kept cold coffee stored on the coffee maker and was still drinking it. 9 days is the current record.

Strange habit # 2

She has a really creepy obsession with road kill. (I know this a major escalation from the coffee thing). Doesn’t matter if it’s a squirrel, cat, dog, or something bigger. She’ll pull over on the side of the road, put it in her car, then skin it and save the hide and the skull. She has a huge collection hoarded in her closet that she showed me when I caught her skinning a half crushed cat corpse in the living room. She did at least have the decency to put a tarp down on the floor but you can imagine my shock.

Strange habit # 3

Freaky ass artwork. She showed me some of her sketchbooks and the stuff she sketches is honestly freaky. She takes different animal parts and creates Frankenstein animals. Only not in a cutesy pegasus way, but more of a oozing goo from the stitches mad scientist kind of way. Literally in her art the parts are stitched together and the made up Frankenstein animal looks like it’s in pain.

Habit # 4

Not so much a habit and by itself I wouldn’t care, but mixed with the weird obsession with road kill and her creepy artwork I can’t deal. She sleepwalks. I’ll wake up in the night and find her muttering to herself in her sleep and scratching at the walls.

Habit # 3 was when I officially was done with all of this. The apartment is my name, not her’s. I want her gone, but I don’t know how to do it. I don’t know if she needs some kind of help or what. But I’m so freaked out I sleep with the door locked to my room. I never knew about this shit before we were room mates or I would have never let her move in.