My boyfriend called himself my husband..?


So today we were out and about and he was driving and I said something about hating to turn left across three lanes of traffic and he said “Well it’s a good thing your HUSBAND CAN DRIVE!” Which is odd because he always says that BUT he always says ‘yo man’ he’s never said husband. I waited a second and looked at him and he goes “what?” And I said “you just said husband” and laughed and he went “oh. I mean it’s a good thing your boyfriend can drive!”

Odd also considering about a week or so ago his father called me his “sons wife”.

Do you think it’s just a comfort slip, or what? I don’t think it’s weird in a “turn off” way. It didn’t put me off or anything, but he’s always SUPER conservative about marriage talk. He’s said he wants to marry me some day, but has never even put out a general timeline. 🤷‍♀️ I’m probably reading way into it, but it’s just funny to me and slightly odd. Haha! Thoughts?