He doesn’t know

So, I’m in the process of moving in with my boyfriend. Super exciting, but, his brother lives with him at the moment. We don’t always get along and he’s currently not aware of the fact that I’m moving in. I’ve been going there once a week to drop my stuff off in my boyfriend’s closet until my official move in date (I needed to stay where I am for the summer to make some money before the move). I’m not sure if or when my boyfriend is going to tell his brother or if it’s going to be a complete surprise when he gets home from work the day I move in and there I am cooking dinner. I don’t care either way, I think we’ve waited long enough to live together and it quite obvious his brother isn’t making even the slightest effort to find his own place even though we’ve mentioned, quite a bit, that we want to be together full time. We’ve been together nearly three years now, we had talked about it over a year ago but I held off because I didn’t want to step on his brother’s toes at the time. I’m just sick of not being together at this point. We’re beyond ready, it’s time. I just don’t know how little bro or his girlfriend (she doesn’t live there) are going to handle it.

For the judgy comment...

My boyfriend own this home. Has allowed his brother to live there rent free (he buys nothing, works full time and still has to have big brother come to the rescue when he misses car payments and such) for several years and has been told numerous times in the last two years, he should really try to find his own place to live with his kids instead of having them live with the grandparents, no effort has been made. I said I didn’t want to step on his toes over a year ago after he was told he needs to find his own place to live so we can have our life, I wanted to give him that time to move, over a year later, here we are, still living separately. At this point we’re sick of living apart while his brother spends week nights at his girlfriends house and then loads the house with kids and his girlfriend for party time... every weekend.

Lmao 🤣

Yes, my boyfriend is aware that I’m moving in. It was ultimately his idea. He brought it up awhile ago and I just now decided I’m tired of waiting for his brother to move out. My BF hasn’t been bailing his brother out for awhile now, even though he’s tried to bum money off my BF it’s now met with a no. I don’t know how he’d go about giving him notice to move out without pissing off a lot of people but I agree, it’s time for big brother to stop enabling little brother, he needs a wake up call and learn how to be an adult... seeing how he’s in his mid/late 30’s now.