First Kiss


Hey I’m 14 and last night I had my first kiss and I’m not even sure to count it💀💀. Like I was with two friends.. both have kissed in the past.. and we snuck out to hang with three boys and I didn’t know any of them. And we kinda were just assigned to them and then we like all had our guy and laid down with them. So me and my guy start snuggling and like spooning. And we’re just talking. Again first time I meet him.. super awkward. But I wanted to get it over with anyways. So he pulls me to face him and then goes in for it and I like freaked out . I went for it tho but it was all awkward and I didn’t know what I was doing. He said i was opening my mouth to wide and he like told me what to do and tried to teach me and walk me through it. We tried like two more times and it was really awkward and I think bad. I mean I just met him and I’m NOT attracted to him sooo.. then something came up with the ppl we were with and I used that as an excuse to stop. Later we were all ab to go inside to watch a movie and I had an anxiety attack. Idk if I was feeling guilty bc I was bad or if he expected more from me. Or if I’m just upset that my first kiss went like that. Lmao idk i guess I’ll just count it and not tell ppl how bad it was💀