I don’t know who he is anymore... 😔

I’ve been with my husband for 5 years. And we just had our perfect little girl. Yesterday we had this huge fight, it started out him feeding our daughter, well after she was done eating he was burping her and she puked everything up, I can running in from the kitchen where I was cooking to help him clean up the mess. He got upset and asked me why she did that, I said maybe you she had a couple more air bubbles in her belly and you didn’t get them all out( I said this in my normal calm voice, I wasn’t being rude) he ended up yelling at me, so I went outside because I didn’t want to fight, he proceeded to follow me outside and yelled at me to get my f**king a** inside the house. I said no, (only because I wanted him to calm down) he ended up throwing a bowl at me and hit me in the head, and yelled at me to come inside and I said no, he tried to grab my arm and pull me inside and I shoved him for trying to grab me. I then went inside the house and he grabbed me by my jaw and said don’t you dare push me like that again outside.( we have neighbors) so then I tried to go to the bathroom and I asked him to leave so I could pee, he sat right in front of me while I was peeing, I asked him to leave me alone. He wouldn’t. And then he would touch me, I asked him nicely several times to leave and not touch me. Of course he is petty and has to put his hand on me and give me an awful looked so I kicked him( I tried but he grabbed my foot and tried to break it). This isn’t the first time he has put his hands on me. While I was pregnant he pulled my hair. He has smacked me in the face. I feel like it’s my fault all the time. He puts the blame on me. Like I start it all the time. Maybe I do and don’t see it. I’m sorry for the long post. I have no one to talk to. It’s just us 3. And obviously can’t talk to my husband about it. Just needed to tell someone. I’ve tried leaving. He takes my keys and hides them, along with my phone. He will block the door and won’t let me leave.