Need advice (sorry long)


Ok so my husband has recently left his previous job and we had a few weeks of him unemployed and I’m not going to lie financially it was very hard but we where fortunate enough for him to almost walk right into a new job with pretty good pay but today he tells me he’s not sure this is the job for him. We have two daughters and a baby on the way we live in a two bedroom apartment and we need a bigger place but with him out of work we can hardly afford this place! I want him to be happy in work so he can be happy at home but unfortunately for a while I feel like he needs to just deal with it until we are in a position where he can be a little more picky about his employment but on the other hand I can’t stand seeing him come home miserable that’s why he left his last job but those 3 weeks where he was out of work we barely got by I’m not sure we could do it again let alone how ever much longer it might take him to get a new job because let’s be real it’s very unlikely he’d get one as quick. How do I support this I want to support him but he needs to support us aswell I don’t know how to handle this