Am I in the wrong?


Sorry if this post is long but I will do my best to make it quick. I appreciate any advise you guys are able to give.

So my husband is in basic training for the army and he graduates in a week. In basic they don’t get their phones or any real communication except for letters on occasion. I am incredibly stressed out from not hearing from him. I am also 28 weeks pregnant so I really shouldn’t be stressed. I try to keep everyone updated on everything the best I can but as I said I only get information every so often. His dad asked me for some of my husbands information that he hasn’t given me yet that isn’t important information anyways. It isn’t information that you would be able to use for anything. I am also on vacation so I don’t have all the papers my husband has sent me to looks for the info for my father in law. My fil wants to come to my husbands graduation which I have absolutely no problem with but my husband hasn’t given that info to me either but he should get it to me within the next few days. My fil messaged me on Facebook saying I have to give him the information and I shouldn’t have any problem getting it to him within the hour. I then nicely told him not to be rude to me as I am trying my best and have told him everything I know. He then goes on to tell me how rude and miserable of a person I am. He also said that I have no reason to be stressed about my husband being gone and I am doing it to myself by being negative. I told him I have to move my whole house and do everything by myself and I am very much pregnant so it’s hard and stressful for me. He has told me how ungrateful I am for what I have in life and how ungrateful I am for my husband and what he does for me. I love my husband very much and I appreciate everything he has done, he joined to army to support us! My fil has told me time and time again how I don’t contribute anything to my family. (Like I said before we are moving to my husbands duty station in a week so I quit my job to focus on that. I also take care of all of the household things like cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc).

So my question is am I in the wrong for not talking to my fil anymore and not telling him about my husbands graduation (he can find out all the info he needs from the basic training Facebook page we are apart of). I don’t want my husband to be upset with me but I can’t handle being put down anymore and it is just giving me anxiety which is not good for my baby or myself.