High school relationship into college LDR help

So my bf and I have been together for almost 3 years (known each other since kindergarten). We did not plan on breaking up in college, but as the school year gets closer and closer he’s doesn’t have much hope anymore. He has been only be seeing the negative aspects of trying to stay together as a LDR. I’ve tried to get him to see the options of video chat, texting, occasional visits, get together over break type of thing but he still isn’t hopeful. He doesn’t want to try because he think it will just hurt us both even more not being able to see each other in person. He also brings up the “what if”s of being too busy with school work to be able to let me visit for just 2 days.

Talking about it, he said, just makes him see the negative aspects more.

Please help with advice.

I think breaking up would hurt 100x more than dealing with a LDR.