Does my crush like me?


So I’m 14. The beginning of middle school I started liking this boy who went to my elementary school. The coincidence was this boy was best friends with my old crush who completely hated me at the time. We started to text and he was really nice and was engaged. We never really got to talk in person cuz I was worried and for some reason he never really tried. I feel like he cared about me because he kept asking my best friend if I was ok when I told him I was depressed. And he showed many signs that maybe he liked me but my best friend and I weren’t sure. After 6th grade we were texting and all of a sudden he texted “love ya” and I said “what?” And he said “uhh no I don’t bye” and then he said it wasn’t him who texted it. After we didn’t talk for a couple months. After he didn’t act the same with out conversations anymore he was less open and just skimmed the surface and now we are going to freshman year and he’s going to a different high school and I told him I liked him a couple weeks ago and he said he was fine with it but didnt say what he felt about me. Idk if he never liked me and I just misunderstood or something or maybe he got over me. When his friend asked if he liked anyone this year he said no but my best friend said that he had this smile on his face 😊. Idk I need help