So here’s a random question..


You all know that being prego, your brain pretty much has a mind of its own and can skip from topic to topic that have absolutely nothing in common.. so here’s my question.. I am currently almost 37 wks with baby #4 (all will be under 5 when he’s born) and I have been unable to work due to bed/pelvic rest and some other complications.. I want to return to work soooo bad not only for financial reasons but because I enjoy my work. The only problem is is that it’s a driving job and I travel 1500 miles a week just for work but I keep working for this place cuz I can bring my children with me and I don’t have to worry about a babysitter. I want to find something closer to home to save on gas but there is NOTHING that I can do that doesn’t involve having someone watch my children.. when did it become an issue for women to bring their children to work with them? I’m not talking about my older 3 but the baby... I’ve seen so many articles about working moms back in the day that just wore their babies and that was it.. they did their job went home and that was the end of it. All I want is a job close to home where I can wear my baby and be able to make a living wage to help my husband with the bills...