Toddler REFUSING evening meal


I know this post *could* cause some controversy...but here goes!

So tonight is the second night in a row my 19 month old has gone to bed without any tea.

She is out right refusing to eat her evening meal! Yesterday she barely even ate any lunch so I thought by evening she would be hungry enough to eat her meal.

Today she has been at nursery and eaten everything offered to her. Tonight she didn’t even so much as try her food, she shook her head and said no just at the site of it.

I’d say my parenting style is firm but fair, which is why I refuse to offer an alternative when I know she usually eats these meals and is just refusing to be fussy. I won’t make a rod for my own back doing things like that.

I ask her and ask her many times to eat, I eat some in front of her etc etc to try and encourage her and she won’t. So I explain to her if she won’t eat her tea she will go straight to bed.

Last night she cried initially when I put her down but tonight she didn’t really seem too bothered other than some wriggling.

PLEASE tell me I’m not alone, I’m not going crazy!