Light at the end of the tunnel


My ex has done everything to make sure the final judgement in our case was all in his favour. Hes gone above and beyond to make me out to be the bad parent and its worked, also we're in his country, so the discrimination and prejudice is evident.

So my options are, 1. i leave my baby and go to my home country and see him 3x a year and he lives with his father- DEFINITELY NOT HAPPENING.

2. I stay in the country where i have no family no friends and nothing here at all, do shared cared with the ex so my son will be half and half between us. NEVER.GONNA.HAPPEN.

They are delaying and procrastinating the entire thing. He pays NO child support, doesn't care about the baby on days he doesn't see him, smokes weed and drinks partyboy complex. Yet everything he has wanted in court, he got.

Im just a mother fighting for my rights, to my own baby that I carried in my body, that I endured everything on my own, that i have been raising and taking care off all on my own. My family have to financially support us here and it's bankrupting us. I have been a single parent ever since his birth. But because he is a sperm donor he wants to call rank on the baby and manipulating the court to do so.

I am finally at a point where i choose to share my story, it is mine to tell. This happened to me for a reason, because there are tons of women going through what i am and worse.

My current situation is not defining me or my life. Im not letting it get the best of me.

I make that choice everyday, am i going to wake up feel sorry for myself dig a grave an lay in it or am i gonna face the day head on and be triumphant at the end! I have a baby to see to and develop into a well rounded person, that in itself is a great task, add in all the legal stuff and mentally emotionally draining bs i have to deal with on the side, its a tough mix. But i wont give up, i will never give up. I have to keep gng, for my child. And for others. For other mothers for other children.

I have learnt and been through too much to just sit back and wallow in my misery.

I have been turning my experiences, my growth into service, to help humanity, to make this world a better place. Even if i help just one person at a time, that coaching, those techniques and tools will go a very long way for them. Life is full of challenges, hardships, and soul wrenching experiences. But its how we turn the negative into the positive, there lies our success. Xxx