

Not my situation but I lived with roommates with my boyfriend.

My s/o is friends with this guy. How his friend got together with his then wife was a weird story.

My s/o’s friend (call him friend X) was dating his wife’s best friend (let’s call her Girl A). Then something or another happened and he cheated on Girl A for his now wife(call her Girl B). They got a place and then got his Girl B pregnant. Thing is he slowly realized he wasn’t into her and then started cheating on Girl B for Girl A after only 6 months of being married.

Here’s where the story gets weird.

I was originally friends with both the girls and I’m floored and confused.

When hanging out Girl A she knew that Friend X cheated on her with Girl B but what she didn’t know was that the husband married Girl A(her ex best friend) and got her pregnant. I know this for a fact because towards the end of the husband and wife’s relationship I hung out with the Girl A and casually mentioned their marriage to which the ex-gf looks shocked and disgusted. Whoops.

The Girl B finds out that Friend X is cheating on her for Her old best friend aka Girl A and they break up.

So what do you guys think of this relationship and the girls? Who was in the wrong?

My s/o hates the ex gf now (Girl A) and supports the wife with the baby. But he’s still friends with the husband (Friend X). What do you guys think?

Edit to make it easier sorry guys