4 Month Old Bed Time


So we never really had problems with our baby girl sleeping at all, she loves to sleep lol. but for the past 4 days now it has been such a fight with bed time. Naps are no problem, but when its bedtime she will fight her sleep for 3-6 hours before she finally just goes to sleep. Tonight she actually fell asleep numerous times and she was trying to keep her little eyes opened so hard, like you can see her eyes being all lazy like and more than half way closed. Then she started doing her "upset" cry (every parent knows there babys different cries). So this went on for about 10 minutes and i went and brought her to my husband bc sometimes she just wants him and she was content for about 15 minutes and she started getting restless and pretty much doing the same thing to my husband she was doing to me. Well I finally got her to sleep and stay asleep, but is this that 4 month sleep regression I've been hearing about or what? Totally lost to why she's all of a sudden fighting bed time