Anyone in college and pregnant?

This is my first baby I just found out today. My bf and I have been together for over a year. He comes from a really strict family from India so I have no idea how he is going to even tell his parents. Although we were not trying we were not preventing either.

I need advice on college! I’ll be a sophomore at the same school as my boyfriend he’s a junior. I’m a mass communications major and he is computer engineering.

I know he is already stressed about school, so I’m not even sure if I want to tell him I’m pregnant until I know this baby is sticking for sure.

I have no idea how to tell my parents either. I cannot tell them u til I move back for school.

Should I go ahead and get a job at the beginning of my pregnancy???

I would have the baby in April, just a few weeks from final exams.

Advice and stores please help me out!

My school offers a daycare but I’m pretty sure the child has to be at least 9 months old. They also have family housing as well. I figure I don’t need that until after my baby is born.